Janice’s process for physics courses (PHYS 490, 590, 593)

PHYS 490 (Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors - Credits: 1 - 3), PHYS 590 (Juniors and Seniors - Credits 1-6)

PROCESS #1: PHYS 49000 (or PHYS 59000)

*** Get approval from your professor for PHYS course(490, 590) Then submit request over the scheduling assistant. You will need the following info from your professor:

Student – How to Request a Variable Title course

Go to mypurdue ACADEMICS tab > Detail schedule to confirm that credits (and title, professor, etc.) are correct.


PROCESS #2: PHYS 49000 (or PHYS 59000) - For Professor Jung,and Milisavljevic

These professors have already set up the title for the independent research for their groups:

Research with the following professors – PHYS 490 and 590

You must enroll in their course first!

1. Log in to my Purdue and choose Scheduling Assistant
2. Enter PIN and select correct term
3. Add the course (PHYS 49000, 59000), Look for the titles above corresponding to your chosen professor
4. In approval request: " Requesting to add research with Dr. < enter professor> for <number of credits> credits. After I am registered, I will submit a follow-up request to adjust the number of credits.
5. Your request will then be on "pending status"
6. Once these are approved, you receive notification. (YOU NEED TO MODIFY YOUR CREDITS)

---> It will "assign" you the minimum number of credits for that Course (PHYS 490 = 1 credit, PHYS 590 = 0 credits)... You will need to "adjust" the number of credits to what your + professor agreed on... If the request is submitted AFTER the first week of classes then the request will go on to the approval of instructor and advisor. (up to the end of the first week of classes the adjustment of credits will not need further approvals).

1. You now go back in to Scheduling Assistant
2. Click on tab Grade Modes & Credits
3. In the pop-up that will appear, click on the drop-down in Credit
4. Select the correct number of credits
5. You will receive notification that the credit hour change has been approved.
6. Go to mypurdue ACADEMICS tab > Detail schedule to confirm that credits (and title, professor, etc.) are correct.

Confirm your schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYvXSCEVXx8&t=15s

*** Adjusting credits: if request to adjust credits is submitted after the first week of classes then instructor and advisor approvals will be necessary.

PROCESS #3 (PHYS593 ):

***You will need the following info from your professor:

Student – How to Request a Variable Title course

Go to mypurdue ACADEMICS tab > Detail schedule to confirm that credits (and title, professor, grade mode etc.) are correct.